Earlier today I received a follow notice on Twitter from @worldhistory and had to check it out. It’s a new web application currently in private beta (but you can sign up to take part at World History.) It got a good write up on Tech Crunch and they link to the demo videos. Basically you can use their interactive map to find locations you’d like to learn about and access all types of historical information on the events and people associated with a particular time and place…anywhere in the world. There are plans to be able to add your own ancestors and genealogical information to the site.

The company is also developing an iPhone application so that you can access historical information near where you live or are visiting. It’ll be like having your own miniture tour guide in your pocket.

The product is a spin off from FamilyLink, those good people of Utah who seem to have a monopoly on accessing geneological history. I can’t wait to see what it’s like when people start uploading their own information. I’d certainly love to have my books in the Images of America SeriesSeattle’s Ravenna Neighborhood and Frederick & Nelson – included. I know there are people out there that think the rest of the world wants to read a 400 page book on their Uncle Leo’s bottle cap collection when in fact most people would gnaw off their arm to avoid it…and yeah even a history geek like me has her limits but…what I loved most about researching and writing my books was discovering the every day personal stories…the same for when I travel. Sure I want to know the big stuff…but what makes it real to me is the context and personal connection that an individual’s story can bring.